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Finite Element Calculations

Using high-strength high-tech concretes without thinking about geometrie or shape optimization is a kind of material waist. Those new materials and clever geometries could lead to absolutely filigree, light and structurally strong units.

G.tecz is using the Finite Element Method with topology optimization, birth-and-death methods as well as shape optimization tools to achieve the optimum. Due to parametric and generative design, we are able to calculate hundreds of variations within a short time.

By using particle flow simulations, G.tecz is able to optimize your fibre reinforced concrete as well as the geometry of the formwork. With those methods, we could detect weak points during the preliminary planning and save expenses.

Fibre respective fabric and 3D clutch optimizations in combination with dimensioning structural parts will be done with specially written FEM scripts. Therefore, the fabric and the structural part is modeled 1:1 in the FEM software. Approximations will lead to very fast, precise and enlightening results.

Reverse Engineering

Two possibilities:

a) Give us the geometry of the structural or non structural unit you want to produce. G.tecz will check the geometry and calculates the necessary material properties. A feasibility study will show, wether the material and the unit could be produced after your demands.

b) Give us your required material properties and the geometry of the original base unit. With FEM and topology optimization, G.tecz will develop the material as well as the new geometry.

G.tecz could offer you overall solutions for materials and structural units.